by Valynne | Feb 1, 2012 | Paul speaks, Photography, Travel, Writers and Readers |
I made my first visit to the US in 1997. A business trip to New York, Detroit and Dallas while working for EDS, a US based IT company once owned by Ross Perot. My first glimpse of the Big Apple made a lasting impression, but I never once thought that a few years later I would make the US my home.
When Valynne asked me to contribute to the blog and highlight some of my favorite places in the US I thought that would be easy enough, but when you have visited 43 of the 50 states you begin to see the problem. Anyway, here goes.
View of Evergreen Lake from the Old Digs (New Year's Day, 2008)
Colorado has to be high on my list. Not least because it’s where I lived, happily most of the time, for about 6 years and for the last 4 of those with Valynne. Colorado is scenically very beautiful, a photographer’s dream if you will. I lived in a picturesque little town called Evergreen, approximately 15 miles west of Denver at an altitude of 7,200′ (we were a little above 8,000′, on Bear Mountain). The main feature of Evergreen is the lake and this provides a meeting place for the community with concerts during the summer months and skating in the winter. We have many friends there still and it’s always wonderful to return whenever we can.
Valynne always has a yearning to be close to the ocean and I’m not far behind her, although throughout my life in both Europe and the US I’ve always lived as far from the ocean as you could possibly get, until recently. My favorite oceanside spots, in no particular order are: the California coast between San Francisco and Santa Monica; the Oregon coast; driving from Miami to Key West and having a wild time in same; Provincetown (right on the end of Cape Cod) and last but not least, the Outer Banks in North Carolina and particularly Ocracoke Island.
The Atlantic, as Seen From the Deck at Louie's Backyard in Key West, Florida
I think it was back in 2006 when Valynne and I flew out to San Francisco to attend a wedding in Santa Cruz (a friend of Valynne’s) and then take a week driving down to L.A. stopping at places that had been on my ‘must see list’ for a while. I wouldn’t say I’m a big wedding fan, but this was as good as it gets. The ceremony was held outdoors in a redwood glade at a vineyard followed by a reception amongst the vines. This was also my first exposure to the redwoods…more later. We then headed south to Monterey. Both being avid readers, we wanted to get up close with some of the locations familiar to Steinbeck followers. Things have changed since Steinbeck’s time of course and while Cannery Row has become ‘touristy’, there is still an atmosphere that you can feel. Also, the Aquarium is a must see…..probably one of the best in the world.
We continued south stopping briefly at Carmel for lunch….think we missed the best bits. Need to go back. We drove through the private estate of Pebble Beach and via the world famous golf course of the same name. If you can afford the fees, this must be a wonderful place to play golf. Next of course, Big Sur. More writer connections if you are a Kerouac fan. The real attraction is the dramatic coast line where the surf races in like nowhere else in the world. Erosion is severly damaging the highway these days, so be sure to check the news reports before planning a drive down highway 1 as long road closures have become frequent.
After spending the morning at Hearst Castle (ostentation at its best or worst, depending on your reaction), we headed for Santa Barbara. Now that is a place I could live if anyone wants to donate a few million to the cause. A perfect place to do a ‘sit’ methinks. Wonder if Oprah needs any help.
Cora's Coffee Shoppe in Santa Monica, 06
We couldn’t drive past Ventura without calling in on Valynne’s family…could we? Just joking, Valynne and Mum. Our first meeting and I thought it went pretty well…I hope. Our last stop was Santa Monica where we spent a few days amongst the beautiful people. I guess technically it’s L.A. but it feels like a different world. We hired bikes and cycled along the bike path through Venice Beach and basically had a great time.
More of Paul’s favorite places to come….
by Valynne | Jan 20, 2012 | Photography, Simple Living, Weekly Photo Challenge |
WordPress has a weekly photo challenge at The Daily Post. This is my contribution.
Simply Magnificent
I recently asked Paul what five places he loved most in America so far (he has been here for nine years this coming March). The Redwoods of Northern California made #1. We will be making a return visit, in the late spring/early summer. Do you have a favorite camping spot in the area?
by Valynne | Jan 18, 2012 | A Quick Question, Caretaking / House and Pet Sitting |
The Shining (Photo Courtesy of
Last night, I felt like reading a fiction book. I picked up The Three Weissmans of Westport and read it in almost one sitting. I wanted something breezy and am a sucker for anything inspired by Jane Austen (except for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Graphic Novel. Not my cup of tea).
My interest was piqued when two sisters who called themselves “home sitters” were introduced to the story. No real spoilers here ~ let’s just say that they didn’t exactly make us caretakers / house and pet sitters proud. As I contemplated this, other books and films featuring “our kind” came to mind, and I pondered the generalizations.
So, out of curiosity, what is the first thought that comes to mind when you think of people who do what we do? Does a certain character from a book or film come to mind, or someone you know personally? If so, please leave a comment. If not, please leave a comment. Thanks!
by Valynne | Jan 14, 2012 | A Quick Question, Heath and Wellness, Travel, Writing |
Your Story Matters.
I met a Monica at a Portland Bloggers meeting back in September. We are close in age (I’ve got a little more than a year before hitting the Big 4-0) and she caught my attention with a post titled “39 Things to do Before 40” on her Life Ohm blog. I responded to her post with the comment you see below:
Thank you for the inspiration, Monica! Sounds like we are about the same age : ) I went with your 39 things to do before 40 theme…
- Finish writing our book
- Rent an Airstream for at least a week
- Get back to England to see Paul’s family & friends
- Take an Ayurveda class
- Join Toastmasters
- Pay off school loans (or at least a good chunk)
- Really learn to embroider
- Go back to a vegetarian diet
- Continue to grow my Beachbody business
- Spend more time with my little brother and sister
- Take a digital photography class
- Build up our Caretaking Couple business
- Sell the 4Runner (don’t need it here)
- Continue my search for vintage buttons & ephemera
- Join with my Mom
- Make my own toiletries and candles again (just for fun, not as a biz)
- Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity
- Get back to my yoga classes (at Exhale)
- Start a poker night with new friends
- Calligraphy
- Polish up on my geography
- write a letter a week to a friend, family member, or stranger
- Blog on a regular basis (at least 3x a week)
- Garden (4 raised organic beds at our new digs – yay!)
- Get a monthly massage
- Finish my scrapbooking projects
- Run
- Find a tennis partner
- Learn how to play my guitar
- Go ziplining
- Continue vision boarding
- Visit my friend Laura in Valencia, Spain
- Treat myself to a spa day (for the first time)
- Practice more acts of random kindness
- Finally visit Pike Place Market!
- Figure out all (or at least most) of the functions on my Mac & use them
- Continue to transform our rental house into a “home”
- Get into the habit of staying in the moment
- Focus on people and projects that bring me joy
I would love to keep in touch with you regarding our lists ~ maybe revisit them periodically. Seems we have a lot in common!
This (like the vision boarding) has been a fun and enlightening process for me, and I encourage you to make your own list. You don’t have to be turning 40 in order to play ~ just come up with a list of things that you would like to accomplish by a certain date. And if you feel like sharing said list, please do.
PS I have crossed a few things off since September ~ feels good!
by Valynne | Jan 2, 2012 | Heath and Wellness |
Vision Boarding has become a tradition for me. I create one every year between Christmas and New Year’s Day. I think I became hooked right around the time that the The Secret was on everyone’s radar (2006). This is not something Paul is interested in doing for himself, but sharing mine with him is always fun and sure to stimulate some interesting conversation.
Anyone can create a vision board. All you need is images and/or words (think old magazines,flyers,postcards,maps, etc.), a poster board, and some glue or double-sided tape. I feel that a lot of us aren’t quite sure what it is we want, exactly, and that the process of exploring images and contemplating why certain ones appeal to us more than others can help us to clarify.
This year, my vision board evolved (is evolving, I should say) in a way unlike prior years. The most noticeable difference was that my chosen images did not revolve around travel as much as they have in the past. Paul and I are very comfortable and happy here in Portland. We are curious as ever when it comes to travel, but the conversations revolve more around weekends in Seattle versus month-long road trips across the US.
Fret not, fellow nomads ~ I still dream of buying an Airstream and living/working from the road one of these days. For now, we are loving our little rental home here in NE Portland. We are reacquainting ourselves with old books, having guests over, and planning our backyard garden. We are wandering Alberta Street, supporting local and befriending our neighbors.
To be honest, my vision board isn’t 100% complete yet. It has been more of a process for me this year. I like to have it hanging on the wall by January 1. This time around is different. My vision for 2012 is still a bit blurred, but each day brings a bit more clarity. Don’t you just love those Aha! Moments?
I remain enthusiastic around all things Caretaking Couple and Coach Valynne and will be focusing more on my writing, my health (and yours, too if you’d like), and maintaining a steady income. I will post what that looks like in the comments section below once I have more clarity around it.
And now, because you knew I would ask…what is your vision for 2012 (or your goals, priorities, dreams, resolutions…whatever word you prefer)? If you feel like sharing, please do. Meantime, a very HAPPY and HEALTHY 2012 to all of you with love from Valynne & Paul.
PS The handwritten affirmations are from the book You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. I have referred to this book off and on since I was a teenager.