29 Things to Love About Being Joyfully Jobless (Written by Barbara Winter)

29 Things to Love About Being Joyfully Jobless (Written by Barbara Winter)

Napping With Charlie (See #26)

I was introduced to Barbara Winter online a couple of years ago and share her words of wisdom often on our various social media sites. When I came across this list in her most recent newsletter, I immediately felt the need to share it here on the blog (with her blessing, of course). I’m thinking a lot of you will nod and relate (kindred spirits). For those of you who don’t get why I am the way I am, this list might shed some light…

29 Things to Love About Being Joyfully JoblessTM

Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirit.
Jobs are not big enough for people.
~ Nora Watson

When Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote, “How do I love thee, let me count the ways,” she wasn’t talking about her life as a poet, but  I’m borrowing that idea anyway.  My list isn’t nearly as poetic as hers, but it’s every bit as passionate and includes things that other self-bossers love about working on their own.

  1. 1. Control over time. Self-bossers are more likely to plan their work around their biorhythms, not a time clock.
  2. 2. No supervisor. Being self-directed builds confidence and maturity.
  3. 3. Imagination stays fit. Our creative spirit is like a muscle and needs frequent workouts to keep it in top operating form. The entrepreneurial life depends on constant creative thinking.
  4. 4. Office can be anywhere. We get to decide if we’ll work at the beach, in our RV or in our home office.
  5. 5. Time for creative excursions. Knowing how important it is to gather ideas all the time, we work frequent jaunts into our schedule and let ourselves be inspired.
  6. 6. No rush hour traffic.
  7. 7. No fast food. Not only do we save money but eating healthy is easier when we have time to prepare good food.
  8. 8. A more balanced life. Smart self-bossers begin by figuring out what’s important to them and find ways to spend time on the top priorities which include not working too.
  9. 9. Lifelong learning. Having experienced jobs where continuous learning was not valued, we now design our own curriculum of formal and informal learning.
  10. 10. Pet friendly office. Fluffy and Fido can be part of our staff.
  11. 11. Custom-tailored benefits. While we have familiar benefits like health insurance and vacation time, self-bossers might give themselves other benefits like weekly massages or exciting sabbaticals.
  12. 12. Constant personal growth. Our businesses call us to keep growing and discovering new talents and wisdom.
  13. 13. The coolest friends. Entrepreneurial souls tend to be fun and fascinating. Building a personal network of such friends is a joy.
  14. 14. No office politics.
  15. 15. Great tax deductions. Our tax system favors the very wealthy and the self-employed.
  16. 16. No dress code. Whether you’re funky or conservative, your wardrobe won’t be decided by a memo.
  17. 17. A variety of work. We resist doing the same thing day in and day out and our businesses reflect our love of different activities.
  18. 18. Learn talent management. Self-discovery leads to finding our biggest assets and making the most of them.
  19. 19. Be a positive role model. When we follow our dreams, we set the best example for our kids and others who we don’t even know are taking inspiration from our lead.
  20. 20. Longevity. Yup, we’ll probably live longer and happier lives by honoring the prompting of our hearts.
  21. 21. Master crowd control. We can go to the movies on Tuesday afternoon or to the bank when there’s no line. Not only is this efficient, it eliminates a lot of stress.
  22. 22. Practical mental health. Do you think it’s healthier to spend time problem-solving or complaining? Entrepreneurship, by its very nature, enhances mental health.
  23. 23. Meet fascinating people. As our businesses take us out into the world, we begin to encounter new and interesting folks we’d have never met any other way.
  24. 24. Feed our adventurous spirit. What others call uncertainty, we see as a passport to a rich life that keeps our curiosity busy.
  25. 25. Learn personal responsibility. If our parents and schools didn’t teach us this vital lesson, our businesses certainly will.
  26. 26. Naps.
  27. 27. Unlimited financial potential.  We get to decide our money goals and create ways to reach them. What a lovely notion.
  28. 28. Harmony. Self-bossers are more likely to live in alignment with their deepest values.
  29. 29. FREEDOM.

    Barbara Winter, author of the bestselling book, Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You Love,  is also a business owner, itinerant teacher, and self-employment advocate who found her own right livelihood after overcoming her early notions that work was meant to be  drudgery. Be sure to check out her Winning Ways newsletter publication and various Teleclasses and Workshops at www.JoyfullyJobless.com or www.BarbaraWinter.com.

    PS WOW ~ Lots of hits on this page!  I am guessing that is because you are either joyfully jobless or interested in becoming joyfully jobless.  I think that this calls for a prize drawing!  Simply leave a comment, letting us know one or two things you love about being joyfully jobless, or that you think you would love about it and I will pick a name on Monday, 5/28.  The lucky winner will be sent a copy of Barbara Winter’s book, Making a Living Without a Job

29 Things to Love About Being Joyfully Jobless (Written by Barbara Winter)

Raised Garden Bed Love in NE Portland, Oregon

Raised Garden Beds ~ Before

Paul and I started looking for rentals here in Portland, Oregon last fall and found a sweet little Craftsman in the Alberta Arts District. The house had almost been sold but the deal fell through and we were given the opportunity to rent it month to month. One of the things we loved best about it was the fact that it had a backyard with raised garden beds. We couldn’t wait to start playing in them come springtime!

Weeding, Fertilizing & Planting a Bed at a Time

The house was unoccupied for a while, so there was some catching up to do. We tackled the beds one at a time, netting each one upon completion in order to keep the cats out (strays had taken to using the back yard as their hang out and the garden beds as jumbo litter boxes). We pretty much had to start from scratch with these beds (weeding, then digging out old soil, then adding new soil/fertilizer, then planting and covering with net). By the way, the strays are still welcome, but not in the garden beds.

Sweet Pea Prep

We used a combination (about 50/50) of seeds and starters to fill the beds with, depending on what needed to go in when and what we were able to find locally and were able to find just about everything we wanted at Portland Nursery, Marbott’s, and Garden Fever.

Pea Progress

Paul planted the peas about a month ago, and here they are a few weeks later. The combination of sun and rain has done our little garden beds lots of good. We are both super excited about enjoying and sharing the fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers of our labor, including raspberries (already growing wild), strawberries, leeks, cauliflower, carrots, brussels sprouts, string beans, peas, eggplant, collard greens, bib lettuce, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, chamomile, lavender, rosemary, basil, oregano, dill, and dozens of different wildflowers (making sure to choose ones that attract bees and hummingbirds).

Raised Garden Beds ~ (Almost) After

This can’t really be called an ‘after’ shot as there is still much growing and maintenance to do, but I really couldn’t wait any longer to share with you what we have been up to these past few weekends. I will add another picture or two in the coming weeks if I see that there is interest here on the blog (feel free to ask questions, give gardening advice, etc. via the comments button).

I Love Garden Gnomes

It has been sunshiny these past few days and today we are getting just the right amount of rain, it seems. The Pacific Northwest is in it’s glory this time of year and Paul and I continue to love it here. Now, to pick out the perfect gnome (or two) from Garden Fever. Paul is not convinced that we need one ~ what do you think?

PS Thought I would add another garden shot, a month or so after this post was written.  We have enjoyed this back yard SO much!

Raised Garden Beds ~ A Month (or so) Later

National Association of Professional Pet Sitters

National Association of Professional Pet Sitters

National Association of Professional Pet Sitters

After researching three different professional sitting organizations, Paul and I finally decided to join NAPPS. I will admit, I wasn’t 100% convinced we needed to shell out the dough to become members.  Now, I think of all of the information we would have benefited from had we joined before taking off on our house and pet sitting adventures.

If you house and pet sit at all, I strongly suggest you join a professional organization. Membership will open up more doors for you.  You will have access to relevant forms, networking, advertising, insurance, continued education and certification, trade shows…all stuff you will want to know about if you are serious about house and pet sitting.  It may not be rocket science…but taking care of properties and pets is a HUGE responsibility.

Are you a member of NAPPS or a similar organization?  What have the benefits been for you?  Do you feel that you have gotten your money’s worth? If you aren’t a member and have any questions, we would love to hear from you as well.

The Portland Food and Drink Scene (in Pictures)

The Portland Food and Drink Scene (in Pictures)

It is true, what they say about Portland, Oregon. Foodgasmic. Most of the places pictured below are walking distance from the house. I have mentioned a few of our favorite eateries in recent posts, and have so many pics that I figured a gallery format was in order….just click on any picture that you would like to enlarge, and click the arrow to the right to see more. If you are familiar with Portland’s food scene, please let us know your favorites as well. Cheers!
29 Things to Love About Being Joyfully Jobless (Written by Barbara Winter)

What News?

The numbers are down on our blog as of late.  That is what happens when a blogger gets all sporadic with her posts.  I love blogging, but there have been so many things going on and I have inadvertently lowered it on the priorities list.

So, what have we been doing with ourselves, then?  Here goes:

Tabor at Alberta Park

1. Paul and I have been figuring out a way to keep Caretaking Couple going now that we are stationary, and it has evolved into us offering a more exclusive kind of pet sitting service.  95% of our clients here in Portland prefer that their pet(s) not go to a kennel for a variety of reasons (elderly dogs that don’t want/need as much play time, dogs with high anxiety levels, etc.). They are looking for individualized care, and that is where our focus lies. Word of mouth is providing enough business for us at present, although I do plan on stepping it up a notch, which leads me to…

Thank you, Oregon SBDC (Small Business Development Center)!

2. I applied for and was offered a scholarship via the SBDC last month and am now taking business classes for the next ten months.  Yes, this is very exciting for me in so many ways…I am learning new things every day and am meeting more and more local small business owners, which is fantastic. This class would have cost me $1,600.00 had I not received the scholarship, and I am grateful.

Wellness Section at Alberta Cooperative Grocery

3. A couple of months ago, I decided to become a “working owner” at Alberta Co-op. I work one shift a week in the Wellness Section in exchange for a discount on all purchases along with other perks.  I love that I get to be around essential oils, bath and body products, beeswax candles, etc. again (reminds me of my Mountain Girl Organics days).  They have so many healthy & yummy foods, too!  And speaking of healthy…

Beachbody Coach Summit 2012

4. I continue to grow my Beachbody business and am doing my best to help “end the trend” of obesity here in the States. Most of you know how much I love my food and drink, and how easy it can be for me to park my butt on the couch versus get it moving (especially in the rainy Pacific Northwest) so this is such a great company for me to be involved with. Beachbody is growing by leaps and bounds and I am proud to be a part of it. My goal is to get to the Coach Summit in Las Vegas this June so I can meet more like-minded people and continue to be inspired.

5. Exhale (my favorite local yoga studio) posted a request on their facebook page a couple months back. They needed a couple of people to clean the studio in exchange for unlimited classes and workshops (!). Soo happy I decided to do this. I am learning a lot more about Yoga and a little more about Ayurveda as well, which is something I have been interested in for some time. Yoga keeps me sane.

Collage in NE Portland

6. Just down the street from us is Collage, a mixed media arts supplies shop that offers all kinds of cool classes. So far, I have taken embroidery, bookmaking, and collage. Tomorrow, I am taking an image transfer techniques class ~ can’t wait! A seamstress friend has just rented a space and is looking for artisans to fill it with their creations and I am having fun deciding what it is I want to contribute. I may do a post on my creative endeavors here soon.

7. I meet with a group of blogger friends on Thursdays at Tabor Space (Portland has the coolest coffee shops, by the way) and know I will be getting back into blogging regularly as I plan on attending Seattle WordCamp (if I can hustle a ticket since I forgot to buy one and they sold out quick!). I loved the WordCamp here in Portland…fingers crossed I pull it off.

Spring in Portland ~ Can't Wait to Plant!

8. We are working on creating a backyard oasis here.  Not much to show yet, as it has been constant rain. This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous, so hopefully I will have a “Before and After” post for you next week.

9. My Mom shared her Ancestry account with me in hopes that we could do some genealogy detective work together.  I haven’t gotten very far with it, but I do have some leads. I want to make this more of a priority. Mom lives in California and we don’t catch up in person much, so this is a great way for us to keep in touch and share exciting discoveries.

10. I met Helen while volunteering at a Community Cycling Center event a few months ago. We have accountability meetings at local coffee shops every Tuesday morning for 90 minutes, in which we go over our accomplishments of the past week and post goals for the next week. If you don’t have an accountability friend (or group of friends), I recommend you go out and get yourself one…it has been invaluable for me.

Paul at the New Bollywood Theatre on Alberta Street

What is Paul up to?  Working, spoiling our four legged clients sweetly, hanging out at his favorite local(s), waiting patiently to get started on the backyard raised garden beds, cooking delicious meals (they get healthier all of the time), and keeping me entertained on a daily basis.  We typically go somewhere fun for our birthdays (next month) but we are having so much fun here, we may just hang out.  Not sure yet…

What are you up to?  I would love an update from all of you, near and far, wherever you are…








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