by Valynne | Jan 9, 2010 | CC Contests!, Friends of Caretaking Couple |
Thank you, Michele for this new and improved display pic...
First – I would like to thank Michele for her Photoshop (or however you managed that) expertise, not to mention her creativity and the fact that she’s got Paul’s back. I am sure he will thank you profusely once he discovers this gem : ) Find out more about Michele and her mad skills at . Doesn’t Paul look good in argyle?
Second – I would like to announce the latest CC prize winner! Paul drew one name from the pile and guess who it was? DENISE S! Yay, Denise! You, who actually reads my blogs and comments often, have obviously been blessed by the blog gods…luvly jubly as Paul likes to say : )
Third – Paul and I are off to New York City tomorrow for a few days. I am not your typical city girl but I do love NY. Paul has a business meeting there and the homeowners are here with Milo so I am off to wander (especially looking forward to reacquainting myself with the Village and SoHo). There will be blogging involved…stay tuned!
by Valynne | Jan 7, 2010 | Mountain Girl Organics |
Mountain Girl Memories
January marks three years for our beloved Mountain Girl Organics. I am creating a portfolio of all things Mountain Girl and would appreciate your help…
Do you have a photo, momento, memory, or testimonial you would like to share? If so, I would really love to hear from you.
Please click on the comment link above or e-mail me at if you have an attachment.
*Bonus: if you comment/e-mail before the end of January 7th (tomorrow) your name will be entered into my mystery prize drawing!*
by Valynne | Jan 5, 2010 | Collections |
Still Life of Buttons
Now that we are caretaking, Paul and I have really reduced the amount of “stuff” in our lives. Still, there are some things that provide enough comfort to warrant schlepping cross-country (several times over, in my case). We both have a bit of a book fetish. Maybe one of these days we will learn to appreciate reading via Kindle but I really, truly doubt it.
I collect other stuff also, like beads, cards, essential oils, and photos, of course! Stuff that takes up a lot less space than books.
Now, for some reason, I am finding myself really drawn to buttons. Not quite sure what started it. Maybe the button Emily sewed on the purse she made me before we left for the Cape. Or was it before that? I have always liked buttons, but never in an addictive type way. Now, I feel I need more buttons in my life. I don’t know what I will do with them once I have them but am positive an amazing project will indeed present itself.
And you, what do you collect? You can answer this question even if I already know – it will make it more fun for the group! And, speaking of fun, you have three more days to comment on a January blog to qualify for the drawing of the mystery prize…
by Valynne | Jan 2, 2010 | Heath and Wellness |
Vision Board 2010
Everyone I talk to is excited about the New Year. Laura and I finished our vision boards on New Year’s Eve – it was so fun and very interesting to see what it was that we were drawn to in the mags and how they came together on the poster board. We have gone over resolutions together for years now so this was a nice addition to our tradition. Last year my resolutions revolved around clarity and simplicity. I would say it was a successful year on both counts. This year my resolutions revolve around focus.
***If you enjoy your own New Year’s Traditions, I would love to hear what they are! So, the contest is on – comment on The New Year and I will add your name to the pot for a drawing one week from today…I will announce the prize after the drawing (mysterious, I know).
A Walk in the Woods with Milo
On a bittersweet note, we lost Ty the eve of December 29th. It has been a little less than three months since we began this sit. We knew as soon as we met Ty that we might be losing him soon, but part of me just refused to accept it. At least one of us has been by his side now for some time, just in case. So, when he died peacefully in my arms I felt a deep sense of comfort and relief. And now, comes the grief. Goodbye, sweet Ty.