by Valynne | Jun 7, 2010 | Caretaking / House and Pet Sitting |
Suddenly, the fruits (or the herbs and vegetables, at least) of our labor are everywhere! Some of you will remember how I tried to grow herbs at an altitude of 8,000+ in Colorado and how disenchanted I was with the results. I know it can be done…just not by me, apparently. What you see below is yet another benefit of sea level living. Love how that baby chipmunk took advantage of the photo op (upper left).
Herb Garden
And the flowers! We can’t take credit for the flowers; these just appeared out of nowhere one day…along with the bees. Albert Einstein insisted that man would not survive more than four years without bees. Respect to the bees.
Fat and Happy Bumblebee
This property boasts a pond out front and a bay out back. I am pretty sure my fascination with lily pads stems from the book, The Wind in the Willows, one of my childhood favorites. Or was it Thumbelina? Either way, lily pads never cease to enchant.
Lovely Lily Pads
Paul has recently taken to…lawn mowing. Who’d have guessed? I fear I will have to remind him gently that when our time here is through, the lawn mower stays. Seriously.
"She might have took my car Keys, but she forgot about my old John Deere."
It has been a rough couple of weeks for Milo, yet he continues to maintain a happy and sweet disposition.
Milo and his Favorite Toy : )
His heart condition reminds us that he is no spring chicken (nearing thirteen, which is particularly old by retired racer standards). For a while there, it seemed like he was getting younger by the day…guess I was in denial. Plying him with meds and restricting his walks is not fun, as all of you animal lovers know.
Keep this aspect of sitting in mind, dear would-be caretakers. You are likely to become very attached to those left in your charge. I mean, just look at him. The epitome of adorable.
As ever, I look forward to your comments. Tell us all about your gardens, your animal friends, your favorite country songs…and remember, you can comment on any Caretaking Couple post at any time. It’s all relevant!
*One more thing…I am working on a destination article for my travel writing class. The subject matter? Downtown Evergreen, Colorado. Thoughts?
by Valynne | Jun 2, 2010 | Travel |
Paul, reading the info folder provided by Carpe Diem. He is such a very good influence on me.
Exit Carpe Diem, turn right, walk for thirty seconds, and you will find yourself here.
Welcome to Commercial Street!
Ross' Grill. Yum. Paul is looking out at the Atlantic in this pic. Apparently I make a better door than I do a window.
A Showgirls diva being carried off stage by hunks after singing "They call me...". FUN!
You know I'm going to have a bookstore shot or two. Please support your Indies, people!
April showers bring May flowers - our private patio at Carpe Diem
Whale Watching on the Portuguese Princess
This guy came up out of nowhere!
Whale Tail. We saw 30-40 whales that day. Can't wait to get the video!
Wine Hour at Carpe Diem. I could get used to this.
Pool party around the corner from Carpe Diem!
Ocean View Lunch at Lobster Pot
New Friends Robin and Jennifer from North Carolina : )
Town Hall
Iris sighting on our daily stroll
The Mews. 285 vodkas from 32 countries = martinis & foodie chat with Michael
And midnight walks and boats
Biking to Race Point Beach along Cape Cod National Seashore
Almost there...
Picnic and a nap at Race Point Beach
Whale watching boat in the distance
Scallops Alfredo and a Gimlet for me at Napi's
Provincetown Public Library in the process of being restored - what a beautiful building!
My Dream Studio
East Coast Americana
Little orange boat surrounded by blue...Kit, this pic was taken for you...
We didn't climb Pilgrim Monument there in the distance, but we definitely will next time!
Goodbye, Beautiful Provincetown...
May you always remain both funky and sweet!
by Valynne | Jun 1, 2010 | Travel |
The Henry David Thoreau Cottage at Carpe Diem
I have to hand it to Paul; it doesn’t seem to matter where we go, he gets the accommodations just right. Cue the Henry David Thoreau Cottage at Carpe Diem in Provincetown, Massachusetts (
It seems a bit strange, going on vacation and being just as enchanted with the living quarters as we were with the activities we had planned. Competing with whale watching, restaurants galore, the National Seashore and Showgirls is no small feat, after all.
Truly; I had an extra good feeling about this trip. We always have fun on our wanders, but I was excited days before our mini break began. Paul picking out a place to lay our heads that celebrated poets and playwrights definitely set the tone.
Because I have just begun a travel writing class, and because I knew that Provincetown would make for a fun blog post, I emailed Carpe Diem in advance, letting them know of my writing aspirations and asking for their blessing, which I received with enthusiasm (thanks, Jarrod!).
So, what makes this place particularly special compared to your average guest house and spa? Let’s begin with breakfast.
My favorite dining room at Carpe Diem
There is plenty to choose from whether you are the oatmeal and fruit type, the cold cut type, the Yoplait type, etc. I went with whatever Andrew and company (including the owners) were creating in the kitchen (think banana pancakes, French toast, and omelets).
I heard a rumor that Andrew is working on a cookbook and am really hoping it is true…Andrew?
The coffee and tea (gourmet and available throughout the day) with raw sugar, or sugar crystals, and real half and half was superb. What a perfect way begin the day, with staff and fellow vacationers alike. I can’t believe how many interesting people we met, from all over the world!
Paul, enjoying himself at Wine Hour
This typically happened during our complimentary daily wine (and cheese) hour, which began at five-ish and ran a bit over each day, depending on the crowd. Our first evening was spent with Belgians, Dutch, and Germans. In fact, I was the only American out of a dozen or so people!
Oh, and let’s not forget that sherry and port is available in the Walt Whitman Common Room, as well…come nightcap time or otherwise. If Commercial Street and the Atlantic Ocean weren’t a thirty second walk away I would be tempted to not leave Carpe Diem for the four days we were there (luckily for the staff we at least gave them time to restock between breakfast and drinks).
Namaste Spa at Carpe Diem
The weather was perfect and the pre Memorial Day crowds light, so we took advantage of that fact while others chose to use the spa facilities (sauna, steam room, Jacuzzi, massage…). In between activities we crashed out on the bed in our perfect cottage, took a bath in our two person (deep and jetted) tub, or read books in our sitting area. Divine.
I like big beds and I cannot lie...
Being introduced to so many interesting and pleasant people was an unexpected gift. I doubt this would have been the case were we not encouraged to socialize over wine and cheese, sherry and port, pancakes and coffee…I miss it already. We exchanged e-mails with a few kindred spirits and I truly intend to keep in touch as our short time as neighbors was such a delight!
And for those of you who feel that one must be gay in order to enjoy all that Carpe Diem and Provincetown have to offer, I leave you with this quote by Henry David Thoreau, which I discovered on the Carpe Diem website, “Could a greater miracle take place, than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?”
Thank you, Carpe Diem for all of the extra touches – they were so appreciated by not only Paul and I, but every other guest we had the pleasure of meeting as well.
Backgammon, Anyone? I could so live here...
If you find yourself planning a trip to Provincetown, consider a stay at Carpe Diem. Peruse their website and pick a room that is named after one of your favorite writers…it makes the experience that much more special.
Carpe Diem Guesthouse & Spa | 12 – 14 Johnson Street, Provincetown, MA 02657
USA Only: 800.487.0132 | International: 001.508.487.4242 |
by Valynne | May 21, 2010 | A Quick Question |
Of the following, which do you enjoy reading about most?
1. Caretaking
2. Travel
3. Living Simply
4. Working From Home/The Road
5. I Like the Pictures Best
6. Other ______________
We are working towards growing our readership, linking with like-minded bloggers, etc. etc. and could use your help! Please click the “Comment” link in the top left hand corner to share your thoughts. Thanks!
PS For all of you Facebook Fans and e-mail recipients, the contest ends this weekend….Sunday at midnight to be exact : ) If you would like to be notified of new posts, please click on “SUBSCRIBE” to the upper right of this post.
by Valynne | May 19, 2010 | Caretaking / House and Pet Sitting, Travel |
I am back with the boys now. It feels good to be “home” after a great two weeks in Cambridge. I sure loved being able to walk or take the bus everywhere, and Cosmo and I had a blast at the dog park (Fresh Pond). Shedding a few pounds (along with the BP catastrophe) has inspired me to make walking whenever I can a priority from now on. Am taking the bike in to be tuned up tomorrow as well!
So many options this weekend at Fresh Pond...
Fresh Pond is packed with people and dogs, all day every day. I loved taking Cosmo there, and on the days where she wasn’t feeling like a long walk, I would come back and walk alone. It energized me, just being around people running, cycling, or walking; most of them with a dog close-by. I am not a runner (although I have done my share of jogging over the years) but I definitely picked up the pace these past two weeks. After our morning walk, I would typically walk or hop a bus to Harvard Square.
John Harvard
Dorms. Perhaps in my next life...
Harvard Writers Featured at the COOP
Wandering Harvard and the Square felt great. Again, the energy was there and I embraced it fully. Check out the guy sitting behind Paul in the picture below. He filled page after page with who knows what while Paul and I chatted away. I wrote like that when I was his age. Pen to paper, sometimes hours on end. Granted it was typically at an all night diner and for a JC or UCONN extension class (or even better, a juicy journal entry)…even so, I bet I felt just as inspired as he was feeling that morning.
Algiers on Brattle - Harvard Square
Trish, this next pic is for you. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon with you and Dave, including a “Belated Birthday Lunch” at Full Moon Restaurant on Huron Ave. Delish.
I had not heard of Marimekko before this sit and while I am more of a vintage material girl, I very much enjoyed the boldness of this fabric at their Cambridge Concept Store. And the sundresses were so pretty…
Fabric at Marimekko - Huron Village
Perhaps you know this about me already, but I do love a good book store. It is fun to visit with others who are just as appreciative and are willing to take their time perusing (T&D)…plus, Bryn Mawr is a non-profit that provides college scholarships. A+.
Replaced my lost copy of Bird by Bird (Anne Lamott) for $3. Nice!
I am not typically big into cemetaries, but Mount Auburn Cemetary is a definite exception. It is a work of horticultural genius, for starters. And I felt true serenity, walking along its endless paths.
“It seems as if Nature had formed the spot with the distinct idea of its being a resting place for her children” . This is what Emily Dickenson wrote (about Mount Auburn) to a friend in 1846. This is exactly how I felt, wandering about the place more than a century and a half later.
Raccoon at Mount Auburn Cemetary
Memorial at Mount Auburn
Chapel at Mount Auburn
Back to Harvard Square (I couldn’t get enough)…remember this band from my last post? I was able to return and spend more quality listening time . They needed no fancy acoustics in order to sound great. I love seeing people put themselves out there BIG and am hoping this was a beautiful experience for them.
A Night in the Box from Minneapolis, MN
These girls seemed to really be enjoying each other and the day. Cheers to being young and happy and most likely very smart to boot!
Relaxing outside Crema Cafe
Post Harvard Square, I caught a bus to Huron Ave and Formaggio Kitchen, then walked the rest of the way home.
Relaxing on the T - so much better than driving!
Amazing what one sees, growing on trees...walking is even better than the T!
The pics below are really meant for fellow foodies. I know there are those of you out there who simply eat and drink to meet basic bodily needs. Try as I might to understand, it just doesn’t compute. For me, being thin means my thyroid is out of whack again or I am depressed. So, if you see me and I am looking too thin, you may want to lower your head; pretending not to see me.
Anyway, Formaggio Kitchen is as artisan as it gets. Alas, my little digital camera does not do this place justice – but it will give you an idea of its greatness. I visited several times for a coffee or a sandwich or something simple like that, mainly to justify my wandering the aisles. Except for the last day, when I splurged on prosciutto and beer infused caramels for Paul, and a bottle of balsamic vinegar for me. And Paul. But mostly me.
I struck up a quick conversation with Euan over gourmet pastries and such, and he was kind enough to grant me a picture (thanks, Euan!). All of the staff here are helpful and they know their food and drink. And flowers. I came in on Mother’s Day and watched several amazing bouquets come together in seconds, one right after the other, over and over.
Fiddlehead Ferns and Such at Formaggio Kitchen
A Section of the Chocolate Section at Formaggio Kitchen
Euan, Manning the Bakery Section at Formaggio Kitchen
Honey, How I Love Thee...Formaggio Kitchen
And Mustard. Honey + Mustard = YUM. Formaggio Kitchen
Cheese. Sigh. Formaggio Kitchen
Oil and Vinegar, Vinegar and Oil...Formaggio Kitchen
Baseball Sugar Cookie. How could I resist? Formaggio Kitchen
I think it only fair to end this Cambridge chapter with the pup who made it all possible. This. Dog. Is. Adorable. Thank you Cosmo, for your delightful company these past two weeks : )
Cosmo - Always There to Help with the Crumbs
PS Did you know that you can click on a picture to make it bigger? Just making sure…