by Valynne | Feb 7, 2011 | CC Contests! |

Share the Love Contest Time!
Here it is, a week before Valentine’s Day (and Anniversary #5 for Paul and I) and I am on a head cold high. I think my body is acting out in protest as I enter month number three of good, clean livin’.
That’s right – I have been exercising and eating right going on three months now…with the exception of this past week (no appetite, and lots of ab crunches in the form of coughing fits).
Alas, no need to call the w-a-a-a-mbulance, because I am officially on the mend. I finally went to the Dr. today (that’s when you know things are dire in my world) and am *TCB for real.
So, the point of my post…This is probably more for me than you; still…there is fun to be had all around. Just read ANY of my posts (there are PLENTY to choose from, going back to 2009) and leave a comment.
***I will enter your name for each comment you leave (what can I say, I am a comment slut).***
Leaving a comment automatically enters you into the prize drawing (it is a surprise, but there will definitely be hearts involved)! Thank you for sharing the love and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! XOXXOXO,
Valynne (and the Brit)
PS If you have not “liked” our facebook page yet, please click the “f” symbol at the top of this page and then click “like” when you get there. This will enter your name again. Same goes for “following” us on twitter. FUNness!
* Taking Care of Business (it’s an Elvis thing).
by Valynne | Jan 31, 2011 | Caretaking / House and Pet Sitting, Simple Living, Travel |

Paul and I love Signal Point (here I am trying to keep up with him, as per usual)...
Traveling from place to place is great if you can swing it. Everyone tells me this, then asks me how we pull it off. So, I am going to explain it. Keep in mind that this is simply what works for us, and if you really want to live a similar lifestyle, I am sure you can get creative and find something that works just as well for you.
We didn’t commit to becoming “Caretaking Couple” until Paul’s house was sold. That was the first big step for us. Some people own a house and do what we are doing, but it wouldn’t have made sense in our situation. So, we sold the house and one of the cars and just about all of our earthly possessions.
Paul had already transitioned from commuting to Denver each day to working from home. All he really needed to maintain his job was his laptop and a reliable wireless connection. I had a small bath and body products biz as well as bartending and seasonal jobs while in CO, so the income issue was more tricky for me.
Last fall, I sold Mountain Girl Organics and decided to focus on ways to make a living online. This little blog is simply a labor of love at this point (although it has great potential in my humble opinion) so I needed something more. I wanted something I could do from anywhere (versus getting a new bartending gig every few months), something I could take with me.
I recently found what works for me and have become a full-time Beachbody Coach. The main benefits for me are that I am able to do this from anywhere with a wireless connection, it provides extra motivation for me to keep on track with my own exercise and nutrition goals while helping others with theirs, and I get paid to do it.
I have only been at this for a couple of months and I don’t make nearly as much money as Paul (yet) but right now I am making up for that difference by finding us incredible sits all over the US and saving us thousands of dollars a month. In other words, we are partners, and it all evens out.

Signal Point...this spot is known as the "Grand Canyon of the Tennessee".
That is not to say that you must have a partner to do what we are doing. I went from sit to sit in Southern California while I was in my early twenties. I was limited to that vicinity because I commuted to work and school, but there were plenty of people literally begging for my services in a fifty or so mile radius.
There are so many possibilities…so many opportunities…all over the world. People say to me all the time, “Yes, but ____”. Drives me a little nuts. Seriously, there are all kinds of opportunities for all types of people in all types of situations….all over the world. Trust me on this one.
Finding said opportunities can be tricky…but that is all part of the fun. Nowadays, there are even house and pet sitting sites you can subscribe to in order to find sits or sitters (it was all word of mouth when I started out). I’ve actually made most of our recent contacts virtually. Example: If I find a blog or a facebook post or an article or whatever online, I go out of my way to contact the person/people behind it and establish a rapport with them.
I like to feature people on my blog that are interesting and living a similar lifestyle. Friends feature me on their blogs every so often, as well…here I am in two recent posts; Linda’s blog (Evergreen, CO) and Raj’s blog (San Francisco, CA). This is a great way to cross promote. I leave comments on other people’s blogs, and I always answer e-mails/facebook messages, etc. that come in. It is all about give and take.
Wherever we go, we meet people who want to know more about what we do. Obviously, I love talking about this stuff. I make sure people know about our blog and that they can correspond with me via various social media platforms (just click on your symbol of choice at the top of this page!). The more open the lines of communication, the better the odds are for finding that perfect sit for you.

Our friend Peg lives in Tennessee. She brought us pickles. I love pickles! Thank you, Peg XOX
I hope this post has been helpful…it seems I am getting this question more than all others these days. So many people are realizing their dreams by earning an online income from the road, and you can too. We’d love to hear from you so please share what is on your mind by leaving a comment here. Oh, and be sure to go to our facebook page and “like” us. You never know when we might decide to run another prize drawing… ; )
by Valynne | Jan 16, 2011 | Caretaking / House and Pet Sitting, Interviews, Simple Living, Travel, Writers and Readers, Writing |
Last Spring, I took my first online class. It was a travel writing course through Gotham Writers’ Workshop. Initially, I was reluctant to go this route. I did it anyway and found it to be just as effective, if not more so than the traditional classroom setting. Andrew Collins was my travel writing teacher. He is a bit of a hero in my book. You are about to find out why.

Andrew Collins in Alaska
1. Andrew, when and how did you figure out that you could travel, then write about your travels, and (gasp) actually get paid for it?
I sort of lucked into the perfect job right out of college, as an editorial assistant for the guidebook publisher Fodor’s. I worked my way up to Associate Editor in about two years, but realized early on that I’d rather be out traveling and writing than in and office editing. So at age 23, too young and foolish to know any better, I quit to embark on a freelance career. I’ve been working for myself ever since.
2. Who do you currently write for? How does it work? Do you go where they send you, or do you go where you want, write about it, and submit the article? Or does it vary?
It varies greatly. I still work on several Fodor’s guides each year, both as a writer and editor – the New Mexico, Arizona, Pacific Northwest, France, and Ireland guides are the ones I most recently worked on. For some clients, like the website for whom I run the “gay travel” channel – I’m basically free to produce as much content as I’d like, and pretty much on any part of the world. I’ve worked for other guidebook companies, too, and right now I’m working on my first app, a guide to Portland on food and restaurants. I’m hoping to finish that this spring.
Then there are the occasional one-off jobs – writing stories for certain magazines or, more commonly these days, websites. And finally there are the custom-publishing clients – everything from tourism offices to travel services companies, like Orbitz and TripAdvisor, for whom I’m often hired to write editorial copy. Much of the latter is without a byline and not especially glamorous, but it tends to pay relatively well. I find it all pretty enjoyable, though. As long as I’m able to support myself traveling, and I’m able to do so with relative autonomy, I consider myself very fortunate.
3. You just introduced your own blog, The County Hunter. What do you hope to accomplish with said blog? And what camera do you use?!? I want one.
I did – well, I kicked things off anyway, with four posts this fall. Then, as I feared might happen, I became caught up with too many other work projects and had to set it aside. I hope to start it back up again very soon. My aim is simply to write more in my own voice, and according to my own interests, about what I see in my travels – I’m on the road about half the time, and I spend a good bit of that driving across country.
As the name of my blog The County Hunter suggests, my goal is to visit every county in the United States (I’m up to about 1,960 out of 3,168), but that’s really just a fun (to me) excuse for trying to take plenty of back roads and visit a variety of both major and more out-of-the-way communities. I’ve always most enjoyed writing in my own voice, as an end in itself, but to pay the bills, I obviously have to take on quite a few consumer-oriented jobs – the guidebooks and custom publishing, for instance. As I mentioned before, it’s all enjoyable to me, but I’m happiest when I get to write simply as me.
I use a couple of point-and-shoot cameras – both Canon. One is a smaller one that I tend to use more in restaurants, bars, and tighter spots where a compact size is important. And the other is larger and has more bells and whistles – a good mix of manual settings. Increasingly, I shoot pretty decent images with my Droid. Honestly, I don’t think much about cameras and equipment (I couldn’t even tell you the models off the top of my head) – I take hundreds of pictures, everywhere I go, and some I spend more time setting up than others. But mostly I just snap away, and in the end, I usually end up with a few pretty impressive images from every batch. If you can knock out two or three stunners per every hundred, you’re doing fine if your goal is simple to document your adventures compellingly on the Web.
Of course, I also use my camera to take notes, visually – I take pictures of signs and exhibit markers, I shoot in poor light knowing full well sometimes that I’m going to end up with some blurry or poor shots. But in these cases, I’m just shooting to capture details I’ll need when I get down to writing.
4. Tell us about a couple of your favorite places to visit. What do you love about them? Do you always work when you travel, or are some trips dubbed “vacation only”?
There’s always an element of work to every trip, even if the main drive is, say, getting away with friends. Every summer I rent a beach house on the Oregon coast, in this cool little town called Manzanita, for a week with a few friends. I guess that’s as close to a vacation as I do, but even on that trip, I’m always working a fair amount – a couple of hours most mornings on the computer, at least. But there’s always the opportunity for work, wherever I go, and that’s a happy thing to me – it’s ideal. I can be in some of my favorite places – the mountains around Taos and Santa Fe, the Oregon coast, the Sonoma Wine Country, northern New England, New Orleans, Buenos Aires, just about anywhere in Spain – and I’ll always be able to create content for the site, and potentially for other outlets, wherever I am.
I have a very hard time narrowing down any sort of definitive list of favorite places – those I just named are some of the top ones for me. I can live anywhere, and the last two places I’ve lived – Portland, OR for the past three-and-a-half years and northern New Mexico for seven years before that – I chose simply on the basis of my having loved visiting them.
For seven years before I moved to New Mexico, I didn’t live anywhere. Just floated around, drove across country for months at a time, took house- and pet-sitting jobs, crashed on sofas, stayed with relatives and friends, and so on. I loved every minute of it, but in the past decade I’ve come around to the idea of having a home base again. Now I make it a goal to spend at least 15 days of every month at home – as you know from my constantly posting pictures of them on Facebook, I have three cats back there in Portland, not to mention many good friends there. So I balance travel and home now, and in my travels, I just go wherever I feel like going.

Outside Salvador Calatrava's Hemispheric, at the City of Arts and Sciences, in Valencia, Spain
5. What is your preferred method of travel? What makes it better than the others, in your opinion?
I’m a huge fan of road trips. Few activities make me happier than driving someplace scenic, and I also feel a certain sense of happiness just from learning a city or region well, to the point of not needing maps or GPS. That’s gratifying to me. So the cross-country trip I’m currently in the middle of, that’s been a blast. And this past summer, I spent two weeks in Spain with a friend, and we rented a car. I drove, and we logged the equivalent of driving from Vancouver to San Diego over those 14 days – loved it. I like the freedom that a car affords you.
I fly often, too, and I like trains but don’t use them especially often, mostly because although I enjoy gazing out the window, I don’t find they’re as liberating as a car – in terms of just setting off when you feel like it, and turning down whatever little dirt road or remote highway looks interesting.
On a more localized level, I jog a lot in my travels – it’s a good way to balance all that I’m eating (which is a lot), and an excellent way to “tour” a neighborhood or explore a beach or trail.
6. Like Paul and I, you house and pet sat for some time. How did you go about finding the gigs? What were some of the pros and cons for you?
I did sit for quite a few years, mostly for a good friend in Greenwich Village with two cool cats and a beautiful apartment. Her work took her on the road for a couple of weeks every few months, so this was a perfect fit for me. And then sporadic opportunities came up – all just word of mouth, and nothing longer than two weeks. I’m too much on the move to commit to anything longer than that, and these days, because I do like to be home half the time, I take on house- and pet-sitting jobs far less often. I sat for friends with a place in Santa Fe for a week last June, which was great – that’s one city I get back to as often as possible. But mostly, these days, I visit a town or city for not much more than two to four days before moving on.
7. We are considering an apartment or something simple and inexpensive to call home in between sits. Would you recommend this?
That’s hard to answer – for me, I like having a home base now, as I mentioned above. But back when I had no home base, I was fine without one. I had no pets, and the lifestyle just suited me well. Even now, I have a one-bedroom, and that’s as big as I could want. I rent and have no desire to own, and I have an informal policy of not adding anything new to the house (furniture, books, etc.) without getting rid of something comparable to offset the acquisition. I come from a family of pack rats, and I’ve sort of broken away from that tendency, which was actually very strong in me years ago.
Again, though, it just comes back to what you’re comfortable with. I would recommend your current approach sometime before you decide.
8. Do you think you will ever want to settle down in one spot permanently? If so, do you have an idea of where this spot would be?
I’m very much at home in Portland – I could see that remaining my base indefinitely. But I’m not overly attached to the idea of staying in one place for long – there are plenty of places I could live happily for a year or two, or even several years. I couldn’t even begin to guess whether I’ll still be in Portland in five years, but I’d say that of all the cities I’ve visited, and certainly all those I’ve lived in, it’s my favorite in terms of being a happy home headquarters.
9. What advice do you have for those of us looking to break in to this line of work? Has the internet made it more or less difficult to be a travel writer?
The answers to these questions are both potentially a bit complicated – well, let’s just say I could probably write a long book to answer the first one, and at least a long article to answer the other. In a nutshell, as far as breaking in, you just have to be persistent and dedicated to the objective of writing for an audience – of getting your words before as many sets of eyes as possible. It’s not easy to break in, and it’s exceptionally difficult to make a living solely from writing about travel. I had the advantage of getting a job first in travel publishing, and that’s definitely one very good way to get your foot in. Had I simply tried striking out on my own, with no connections or workplace experience, I’m not sure I’d have succeeded.
On the balance, the Internet continues to make it easier and easier for writers and readers to find each other – through blogging, commercial sites, and so on. Has the Internet made it easier for writers to earn a decent living? My guess is it’s no harder or easier now than it was a decade ago to earn enough as a writer to support yourself. But the Web has provided countless more opportunities to write semi-professionally – that is, to get published, and to earn at least a modest return on that writing.
10. What are your plans for the next year or two? Any dream projects you are about to embark on? Let me know if you will be needing an assistant…
Haha…I always get asked, albeit mostly jokingly, about the assistant thing. Honestly, I’ve tried hiring assistants here and there, on a very limited basis. I’m terrible at delegating. And I’m happiest doing things on my own, even though I do travel about half the time with friends, some of whom are also travel writers.
I can’t really say I have a dream project per se – I’d like to work more on my CountyHunter blog, and perhaps develop that into a book of some kind (maybe purely an online book, or just keep it as a blog, or develop an app…you see? the Web really has opened plenty of doors for distributing information – for reaching readers). I’ve never sat down and worked out specific goals and objectives, though. I want to travel about half the time, and I want to share what I discover in my travels with any who might be amused or interested. And at the end of each year, I’d like to have earned a nickel more than I spent. That’s all. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I’d still probably approach it all about the same way.

Arches National Park in Moab
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, Andrew. I really appreciate it! Can’t wait to see your Portland food and restaurants app, especially as it looks like we will be sitting in your neck of the woods this summer : )
by Valynne | Dec 2, 2010 | CC Contests!, Heath and Wellness, Simple Living, Technology, Writers and Readers |

Flashback - Paul and I in Italy, Summer 2007. Thought I would share as most of my pics are in between laptops at present and I get complaints when there are no blog pics : ) AND this is what I want to look like again, which is why I am using Beachbody Products!
Honestly, the old hp has done me well, considering I have used it every day for over four years now…but it hasn’t been the lowest maintenance of computers (understatement). Not being one to throw away a (barely working) machine, I have been waiting and wondering when it would finally go. And it went.
So, guess what is charging up right next to me? My early Christmas present: a brand new MacBook Pro. I am VERY excited! AND Santa is bringing us an iPod nano (actually, it was a promo with E.Webscapes when I had my blog redesigned but I am sure Santa would have brought it otherwise). YIPEE! Can you believe neither of us has even used i-Tunes??? Instead, we have been lugging thousands of CD’s around with us. Uncool but true.
Of course there will be a bit of a learning curve with the new lappy but I have seriously wanted an Apple for years and years and have looked over many a Mac user’s shoulder so I don’t think it will be too painful. If you are a Mac lover and have any pointers or want to share what you love most about it, that would be super appreciated! Just click on the comments link above and tell us all about it.
***Speaking of appreciation: I have an announcement to make regarding yesterday’s prize drawing. The lucky winner is…David! Thank you for your comments (even the feisty ones)…I will be sending your Tennessee prize package in the next few days : )***
A couple of blog posts back I decided I would share my monthly goals with you. I’ve always done this for a new month – sort of. As in I wrote down my goals somewhere but didn’t always remember where and didn’t always remember to see how I did at the end of the month, etc. etc. So I am turning over a new leaf.
The man who inspired me to take monthly goals seriously can be found at I found him (or he found me – can’t remember now) on facebook and have been following his blog ever since. I am seriously impressed with the progress Chris Ducker has made with regards to his quest for a truly Virtual Business Lifestyle this past year. Seriously. Impressed! Not to mention inspired. So, here goes…
My December Goals:
Blogsville: My goal for November was to get this blog redesigned and transferred over to it’s new platform. I hope you like our new look and find the social media links above to be useful (as in, I hope you are using them). My first goal for December is to work on a few quirks with the blog that have been brought to my attention. If you notice any, please let me know. My second goal is to figure out how to use my Mac..I cannot waitto give you podcasts and other cool features I see popping up on my favorite blogs.
My Writing: I am currently taking a memoir writing class through Gotham Writers Workshop and am pretty disappointed in myself for not dedicating more of my time to it these past few weeks. These classes are great and deserve my full attention. I just submitted two more chapters of my book for critique, so I did accomplish last months goal…but just barely. The class ends soon. My goal is to refocus and to polish up two more (very rough) chapters. I am working on an FAQ’s page as well, so if you have any questions for Caretaking Couple, please fire away.
Health and Fitness: Last month I told you I was considering becoming a Beachbody Coach. I decided to go for it and am so happy I did. This company is great – the online office tools are phenomenal, which makes my new job that much easier. They immediately hooked me up with websites, an e-mail address, and a great “Getting Started” kit. So, I get to sell products that help others which in turn keeps me focused and accountable for my own health and wellness goals. BONUS – I am actually losing weight and getting in shape over the Holidays!
Speaking of the Holidays: My goal for this year is to continue to simplify and to celebrate the Season by sharing the love in ways that allow me to live within my means and beneath my seams (I think that is how that old saying goes). That doesn’t mean I won’t leave a little extra come time to tip or anything miserly – it just means that I won’t overdo it like I have in the past.
Thank you for stopping by. As always, we would love to hear from you…my goal for this blog is to make it as interactive and user friendly as possible. If you have friends that you think would like to join in the conversation, please tell them about us. The easiest way to keep in touch is to subscribe via the “News and Updates” box to the upper right of this post. Happy Holidays, everyone!
by Valynne | Nov 30, 2010 | Friends of Caretaking Couple, Travel |
Today I would like to sincerely thank you all for following us over from the old blog addy to this new one. There is much to learn here in Blogsville and I would be in trouble without my trusty WordPress for Dummies book along with the expertise of E. Webscapes) so BIG thanks to Lisa Sabin-Wilson and staff as well!
Please feel free to click on the new social media links above (cool, eh?) and subscribe and all of that good stuff, so we can keep in touch from wherever the road takes us. I do love WordPress…

West End Driveway Art
Our time in P-town seems so far away now, yet it was only last month. Obviously we like the place as this is my fourth post dedicated to it. I want to share with you a few more pictures, some of the West End (which was at one time where most of the fishermen and sailors lived), and a couple from Halloween (I will keep them PG, promise : )

Lunchtime on the Breakwall (Wood End Lighthouse in the Distance)

Paul on the Breakwall - Pilgrim Monument in the Distance

The Pilgrims landed in Provincetown (before Plymouth Rock) in 1620

Classic Cape Cod

More Classic Cape Cod

West End Dahlias
These were all taken on the West End; beautiful, isn’t it? I’ve got so many more to share, but I think that is what Flickr is for. I think that is 4 or 5 down on my project list. If anyone has a favorite photo sharing site, please share.
Right. Now I am going to take you back to Commercial Street, where (mostly) all the excitement is…

Spooky Spiders Climbing the Bowersock Gallery

Adorable Doggie in the Window - Commercial Street

The Hulk (aka our favorite bartender Cesar at Ross' Grill)

Uhh...was laughing so hard I forgot to ask. Maybe that's a good thing?

Work those tips, ladies!
OK, I think I’d better leave it at that. What a fun and funky town! I know, I know – we’ve been in Tennessee for weeks now…time to move on, as they say. I will be posting some Signal Mountain pics in the next couple of days, along with announcing some new goals for the month (yikes!) and announcing the latest prize winner (leave a comment before December 1 to enter) so do stay tuned, won’t you?